This review is not for the actual store, but for the two CLOWNS that work here.
I came in to get some markers and walked past Anna (Asian chick with long black hair) I asked her where I could find them and she pointed and said "over there". Over where? Wtf? A good customer service agent would walk you over to the spot. Not this idiot.
Then one of the markers didn't work (the tester) and I needed her help again. She walked over. Actually, slowly walked over dragging her feet as if I disturbed her. She basically stood there and was of little help.
Later on I came up to the cash and the TWIT chatted with another co-worker (Martin) ignoring the fact that I needed to be cashed out. Then I flagged down an employee close by and they cashed me out. The two CLOWNS caught me roll my eyes and I saw them giggle at each other.
They are lucky that I didn't own that store. I would of tossed them out on the street to find another place to slack, as there are many fine people looking for work.