1 year old Sony Vaio purchased from Best Buy on sale (former display) for $700. They stripped one of the hinges pulling the gator tag off the top and left some nasty marks from the tag's prongs but it was still a smoking deal so I took it. A year later the hinge broke and I ended up at Laptop Xchange aka Device Pitstop.
First thing's first. They refused to give me a quote over the phone and told me to bring it in. Not surprising, no biggy - except when I took it in they somehow managed to crack the monitor in the lower left corner while trying to estimate a repair for the hinge in the lower right corner, then quoted the repair costs at $300 and offered me a trade-in value of $350. The two available devices that were allegedly "comparable" to mine? 2 HP computers, both with $500 price tags. One problem, I didn't crack the screen, they did and I'm tempted to believe they did it on purpose to ensure that the laptop stayed with them for repair. I mean, once they crack the screen it's not like I can shop around and compare estimates because anywhere else I go is going to make me pay for a new screen and a new hinge. When I openly confronted them on the screen repair they admitted it was their fault but he said "I mean it was bound to happen, it would have cracked anyway but I touched it so I'll pay for that". No, it wasn't bound to happen. You cracked it in the lower left corner while estimating a repair cost for the right hinge. Darn right you'll pay for it. He also accused me of dropping it even after I explained that the hinge wasn't working right from day one after I got it from best buy (but floor models are sold as is so i couldn't get best buy to do anything with it) because they were too rough removing the gator tag. His response 'right, the gator tag' said laden with sarcasm. He might as well have looked me in the eye and called me a liar. Customer service fail!
So I ask if the two computers (both older HPs) had touch screens. His response "No but do you really need a touch screen, I mean, it's just bells and whistles." I literally gaped. If I didn't really need/want a touch screen would I have bought one in the first place? That's how you convince me to accept the trade and give you $150 is by insulting my previous purchasing choices after you've already told me what a "great computer" my Vaio is? My Vaio also has Windows 8 but HPs both had Vista. Yet there he was, stone cold suggesting that I give them my $700 Vaio and $150 cash in exchange for a significant DOWNGRADE when I could have just paid someone else the $150 to fix my Vaio if they hadn't broken the screen!
In the beginning they quoted me $120 - $150 for repairs, when I told them no on the trade offer it magically became $120 - $180. When I picked it up the bill was over $190. WOW! So $300 to repair a broken hinge AND a cracked monitor, they'll cover the monitor expenses and somehow the hinge alone is a $200 fix? So the monitor only cost $100? I DON'T THINK SO!
To top things off, I took it to them with ZERO operational issues, not even so much as an error message, so that they could fix a broken hinge. Since I've gotten it back it freezes at random, crashes at random, and throws some error about Catalyst Control Center not working. It's 1 year old, the hard drive is still practically empty, and I use it mostly for work and facebook so I know it shouldn't be having these problems all of a sudden. They sabotaged it so I would take it back to them for more help. NOT GONNA HAPPEN!