If it was not for the employee that saw us standing at my truck with the stuff he's name is Toni yes Toni with a I. I was about to return everything i bought i had bought a toilet a vanity sink and mirror and lock for my sliding door they ask if I needed help loading the stuff on to my truck I told them yes I do I waited for over 20 minutes and no one ever came out I saw like 6 people just walking by that where easily over 6 feet that could not help me because they don't like going outside I was writing a bad review on this store when Toni came out and started apologizing to us because he was on he's lunch break and no one likes to come out to help anyone this store was lucky this guy showed up because I was about to return everything and went to buy everything at Lowe's I have 2 more restrooms I plan on restoring before this year ends witch is only 3 months away