This apartment is a giant piece of steaming crap. The apartments are awful, everything is cheap and while this place was built only like 6 years ago .. It feels old. My time at broad stone indigo was horrible. I woke up every morning with a headache and couldn't stand living there. My apartment smelled like rotting meat, sewage and cigarettes. There was a smell that came from under the sink and I called maintenance multiple times and they said I was getting gas from other people's apartments and nothing could be done. My neighbors must have smoked all day and night because if I had my AC on the smell would come into are place from the vents. The rotted food smell might have just been a mixture of all smells combined together.. Don't really know. Lots of gross neighbors who I witnessed moving in that had furniture that should have been condemned and burned. At night there was a security guard but all he ever did was sit on benches and play candy crush on his phone. The new apartment manager is a black guy and I don't remember his name. I posted a review while living there and he sent me a email asking to speak to me. I went into the office and he said " you know bad reviews can be seen by a lot of people when posting online" .. I acted like I understood what he was saying but wanted to tell his stupid ass " no shit Sherlock". The place is a joke to live in and unless your a scumbag you should probably find a better place. The first day I moved in I should have walked out when there was facial hair in the bathroom sink, shit streak on the toilet and the carpet stink and was covered in dog hair. Stay away from this place at all costs.