I couldn't tell you about the rest of the store, so let's focus on Sephora.
Look. It isn't as if I expected to feel like I had arrived to a shimmering oasis in a vast, cultural wasteland like I do when I step into any other Sephora, but when you're actually IN a vast cultural wasteland (a.k.a. Christown Spectrum), I could have expected it and no one could have accused me of being unreasonable.
What I did expect, however, were the three things for which Sephora is known: Customer Service, Product Availability, and Appearance.
No one greeted me. No one looked at me. No one wandered politely over to ask if I needed help or if I'd like to try something. Not a single moment of interaction, and I spent a good twenty minutes hovering around the same display. I knew what I was there for, but I was also looking forward to leaving with samples of products I wasn't sure about. Fail, Sephora.
I came in specifically for Kat Von D, and literally none of the products I came for were stocked. Half of the foundations were not stocked, more than half of the liners were absent, and not a single beauty blender was on the shelf. Don't get me started on the palettes and lip colors. I understand being out of something new or something with lesser demand than another product, but being 60% out of an entire line (and such a highly demanded line) is just bad form.
The displays were covered in fallout, fingerprints, and who knows what else. The swatching stations were overflowing with discarded applicators and used tissue. I find both of these things to be amazing considering there were so few products available to swatch. This level of ignorance to cleanliness is reprehensible
in a cosmetic store.
I'm just severely disappointed. My only comfort is in knowing this is an isolated incident, and I will be able to expect much more when I travel across town just for the Arrowhead Mall Sephora.
Much sad.