I was so excited to take my nieces here after finding a great Groupon deal, however I'm sad to say we were very disappointed. The first thing we noticed we the out dated games and rides. We got 50 tokens but my nieces were not interested in playing any of the games.
The next thing I noticed was how dirty, grimy and unkept the park was. There was literally dust balls and dirt on just about everything in this place. I honestly was ready to get out of there within the first 15 minutes but didn't want to waste my money or diss appoint my nieces.
Lastly the play equipment in the back of the park is where we spent most of our time and it was so worn and run down that I was embarrassed to post pics of it on social media. The jumpy space was deflated and torn. The plastic and rubber had holes in it and was dirty. Lucky my nieces were too young to notice any of this. We spent our 50 as quickly as possible and ended our trip to Jambo Park with 1 hour.