If you want to be frustrated and have a shitty time In SIN City Go here and waste your hard earned money. But if you don't want to have a Shitty time go some were else.
The people here all have there heads up their asses and are very inconsiderate. You cant find any one to help you out if you have a question about anything. The elevators take for ever and are packed tightly, So if you have a stroller or allot of luggage then good luck. Most of the skinny bitches look at you funny and shove their bonnie asses against you arm and is uncomfortable.
The only positive thing that the tiki bar had a crazy group of people hanging out and drinking. Some American , some English , and a Castro look a like. most English people don't no about Cinco De Myao. So in honor of the english guy we met Cinco De Mayo, my name is Sanchez , Dirty Sanchez.
Just for that experience I will give them a second star.