| - If they're going to be charging 80-100 a month, they better be top notch, because the cost currently does not justify their service. I think I'm better off saving my money myself for a rainy day.
-I brought a policy for my 2 month old dog. After a year, he had an serious ear infection that cost more than $200. I brought the the best policy with the supplemental wellness plan(unused) and could not get a dime from them. I do not understand any of what they told me that it didn't qualify because it was something that was on the dog before my policy started.. I brought the policy when i first got the dam dog(2months old), this is a year later.
-Then they have the nerve to automatically renew my policy from $80 monthly to $90 monthly. I mean common, i don't even have health insurance that cost that much. The dog is 1year old, do all insurance policies go up and I was told by the customer rep initially that buying a policy when the dog is young, would prevent my rate from being to high. What is rate going to be when my bulldog is 10 years old? the price of a new bulldog a year?
-The wellness plan saves you about $30 a year in supplement routine care(Can use $400yr). But damm, it is a hassle to get a reimbursement, because you have to pay out of pocket first, then do some forms and wait for a check in the mail, then they deduct money from it because some shit was not covered.
-Payment plan. How is it possible that their only payment method is direct withdrawal from your account? I called to at least get a billed statement and they said they didn't do that too..
-Within my first year, I had a bad experience. I can't Imagine if my dog goes really ill with Pet Embrace as my insurance.