I first met Shar due to a groupon for a package of 6 laser hair removal sessions. After the 6 sessions there was no change at all so she said that 10 to 12 sessions were usually necessary. Making a long story short, I am not very hairy at all and after 13 sessions (I paid for 12 and she gave me one complimentary because it was obvious that it had not worked) on my Brazilian bikini area, I still have hair there. Seems that the machine she used for 1/2 of the sessions wasn't good at all. She changed to a new one when she moved locations and then it seemed to start to get some results. Whenever I mentioned the areas that weren't getting affected at all, her reply was that I could just shave there. If I wanted to continue shaving , I wouldn't be going throw laser therapy. After 12 sessions with mediocre results, her speech changed to instead of saying the usual necessary amount of sessions was 10 to 12 , to saying that it was usually necessary to have at least 18 sessions for good results. I would like to remind you that I am not that hairy at all. I only have to shave my legs and armpits every 10 days to 2 weeks. I just opted for laser hair removal because my bikini area can get quite irritated when I shave it.
She was very defensive and never admitted that one of the machines had no results at all.
I still need to finish the treatment with more session (yes, there's still hair there. Not as much as initially, but enough that I still need to shave it) but I am definitely going to choose a different professional.