So we came here for a uber cool company celebration event. The staff here was really nice although the downside was that we all had to weigh in. Sadly to say I haven't been on my scale in awhile and the fact that my fat jeans were feeling tight weren't a good sign either.
Aside from that, we got to don these huge fat suits with slits cut into them. Following a short safety introduction video and signing my life away, we were ready to fly. I mean... everyone but me. The split our group into two groups of 4 and into the air tower we went. The instructors were kick ass and the experience was amazing. I was scared shitless at one point. I looked down and saw these huge turbine fan blades... all that separated me and the human mandoline was this wire mesh. Oh good God! Needless to say, I survived. *mentally plays "I'm a Survivor" Song* Would I do it again? Yes. But bring the chapstick and a hairtie. The 120MPH wind dried out everything. I think I have 3 new split ends to show for this experience.
I think there was a video of this out there somewhere for all those of you who want to blackmail me...