we just saw "the little shop of horrors" at the phoenix theater this afternoon & im THRILLED i did!! it was incredibly entertaining on all sorts of levels!!
i almost didnt go (ticket was a gift) because i mistakenly thought the story line was a "campy, nonsensical, waste of time" .. how wrong i was!
the story was quite deep & emotional, at times, with subjects like child abandonment, abuse of women, self esteem issues coupled w/ deeply felt selfless love between the two main characters.. somehow all of these topics were riding on a vehicle of improbable circumstances and that's where the magic was for me..
the combination of ridiculously funny comedy with deep, interpersonal stories.. perfection!!
& the performers were ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!! EACH ONE OF THEM!!
i cant believe im saying this but I would LOVE TO see THIS SHOW, WITH THESE STAGE ACTORS again!! its THAT GOOD!!
THANK YOU to EVERYONE involved in this production.. you all put on a show that i would give a score of 10 out 10!!