Stay far far away. Used this company for over 20 years until they sent this joker out last year who said I had to install some sort of apparatus so he could get on my roof. Really? You mean that for the last 20 years they have been doing it wrong. Well, there are new OSHA standards just passed this year. BS!! Then Donovan, Mr. BS himself, proceeds to give me the OSHA laws that pertains to nothing involving my 2 story house. Thinking I was just a dumb woman who couldn't possibly make out those complicated words thru the OSHA Laws, and probably wouldn't be able to even find it on the internet to verify the BS he tried to spoon feed me. In short, these guys are not to be trusted with the most valuable thing on top of your roof. I never had problems with this company until the last couple of years. Maybe the HMFIC needs to look at how these schmucks are running this business into the ground. Such a shame because at one time this was the best HVAC company in town hands down. Don't bother telling me to contact you Donovan for I have talked to you numerous times. If your mouth is moving you are spewing lies. Consumer beware!!