Came here on business a couple weeks ago and have always wanted to see a show in Vegas. I was a huge magic fan when I was a kid and thought David Copperfield's show would be a little better than Chris Angel because I've always viewed Chris Angel as a kind of weird guy.
The show had a great premise but really went off track in my eyes. It went way too far into left field and never really came back. I really wanted to see a magic show, not a story but maybe this is how magic shows have always been done in Vegas?
There are definitely some cool tricks and one that I am still confused about up to this day but the rest was kind of overdone and clearly staged. Having an actor that speaks broken English really doesn't fool anyone in my eyes but hey, I'm just the average person.
Overall, some cool tricks but not enough magic and far too much story. Too much story that goes way too far into left field, I must add.