I've always loved coming here for mani/pedis and even eyebrow waxing until today... I have pcos so I have some facial hair that I badly needed to be waxed today. As a woman, excess hair is often a really tough thing to deal with and unfortunately my visit to Allure made this painfully worse.
After picking out my polish colors for the mani I also needed, I was led back to get the waxing done. The tech took one look at the hair on my face and said I look like my daddy. That really put me off since she's never met my father and was obviously implying I look like a man. This comment crushed my spirit and I left Allure in tears.
The hair on my chin was too short to be waxed but I skipped the eyebrows, upper lip and my manicure because I was so embarrass and upset. Her insensitive comment just lost them a customer permanently.