| - I wasn't going to post my review until tomorrow, but I am so irritated!
I bought a new Washer and Dryer from Lowes, and so far my experience has been horrible.
First the man who showed up to remove the old machines and put it the new ones came alone. I told them in store that the machines were on a pedestal, so I didn't know how he was supposed to do it alone. He didn't either, and was very clearly upset about being alone.
After making a few calls in my laundry room, no one was being sent to help him.
He then went on to try to do it on his own, the dryer went out ok, but when it came the heavier machine, the washer, he was struggling.
He asked me to move my little laundry room rug under the machine, which I did, but mid move it shifted and the machine came down chipping my brand new tile.
As he was scraping the machine around, I informed him that he had chipped the tile, he made a comment about it and continued to move the machine outside.
While he was gone I started sweeping up the debris from the old machines, and when he returned, he went on to ask me where the chipped tile piece was. I of course had just swept, but still got down on my knees to sift through my pile to find it, we never found the piece.
After he installed the new machines and was leaving he told me that the manager would be contacting me.
About 30 minutes later a manger called me to ask about the tile, we brainstormed back and forth about what could be done to fix the issue, and decided she would call me the following day after I had a chance to talk to my husband.
Even after all of that I was still willing to let them fix it, before I wrote a review, until this evening, mid cycle my dryer power will not even turn on.
I tried to fix all the usual culprits, plug not in all the way, even reset all the breakers including main breaker (while I was mid dinner btw) but nothing was working so I called the store.
After getting the manager on the phone he put me through to the Appliance specialist. I explained the issue of the power and she said " I guess we can send someone out there tomorrow to see what happened, maybe the power cord wasn't attached right" I asked her what I should do about the wet clothes I have tonight and she told me "that was up to me" . Annoyed and wanting to get off the phone, I asked her what time I could expect someone and she told me she didn't know, that they would call me in the morning.
Like this is not a priority at all. Like the money we spent there is nothing.
This will now be the second day in a row that I will have to sit around at home waiting for them to come to my house.
I really hope they fix this and make it right, and if they do I will amend my review!