I bpught a Groupon for this thinking it could be fun and different. We made the mistake of going on a Friday night. The place was packed. Wall to wall. Mostly pre and teenage girls. The place was freaking bright as hell with fluorescent lights and the whole spray of nitro thing was making the kids squeal. Did I say it was crowded? It was. Had bever been and had no clue about their intense ordering procedure so in a clutch I go vanilla. Right? So while our ice cream is "made" we stand over by the sole table which is occupied by one creeper who had his laptop fired up and he was ogling all the young girls. Made the mistake of touching his beloved 6 top and got thrown major shade. Why did they allow the creeper to stay? It was gross and SO obvious! Dang. Get the ice cream and can honestly say it is meh. Granted it was only vanilla but it wasn't all that. Aside from the show of them nitro blasting the milk it isn not all that. Unless you are a creeper at a 6 top on a Friday night.