| - I am sitting here with our 15 year old cat Squeakers at 5am, trying to wrap my head around having spent 1000s of dollars at this veterinarian and still here's my cat sitting here with me in pain and moving her mouth up and down. I can smell the rot from here. We asked this veterinarian to do ONE thing last year--remove ALL of her teeth. Most were rotten and we knew the rest would be going soon.
Of course the surgery was estimated to be almost $1000. We'd already prepared ourselves for that since this vet had also removed my dog's teeth and another cat's teeth, both now passed. Having done teeth surgery so many times, we knew what we were facing. When you put an old cat or dog under, there are extra expenses, specifically bloodwork, because they don't want to be doing surgery on a cat/dog that's not going to survive the recovery. So we knew what to expect since our other cat and dog were old as well and we'd already forked over our credit cards to North Kenilworth for those procedures.
The day of the surgery, everything seemed to go well. The vet understood us clearly when we said "Please remove ALL of her teeth whether they are good or not. She is old and we want this to be her last surgery." The vet calls after the surgery and says "She's doing well. We removed all the teeth except one because it looked really good." EXCUSE ME? I had to ask her to repeat it!! I was shocked and angry that they'd completely ignored what we'd asked them to do and done what would make them the most money--because guess what? I sit here right now, a year later with my cat and a rotten tooth in her mouth. If I want to get it removed, it will cost at least another $600. Keeping a tooth in a 14 year old cat when we specifically requested all of them out because we know they will go rotten is just money gouging!
We'd had decent service up until then (the vet helped us give hospice care to our cat Venus who passed away a few years ago). I know something has changed; I'm just not sure what. I wouldn't necessarily have written a review (look at all their five star reviews) if it hadn't been for our 17 year old cat looking like death two months ago. Of course, I called immediately and told the receptionist that I wanted to get him some IV fluids ASAP and could I come in that day because my cat looked like he was literally dying--unable to walk, drowsy, wouldn't eat or drink. The receptionist put me on hold and then came back on and said the earliest she could get me in was next week--a full 6 days from when I was calling. I pleaded with her and told her that our cat might be dead by then and said, "I just think he needs some IV fluids--I've done hospice care for another cat. Please, I just need to get him some fluids." She refused and said they had no openings nor could they give me any IV fluids.
That was the last straw--unwilling to help one of your long-standing patients in his dying hour. Seriously, that cat has had teeth surgery at N Kenilworth too and we've spent 1000s there just on him (because he also has kidney disease). But they refused to help AT ALL. I was so shocked and appalled that I was crying as I looked on yelp and found another vet that could get us in--madison vet & animal hospital. I called back to North Kenilworth, asked them transfer all our records for our pets that are still with us on the planet (which they didn't do--I had to call two more times), and took our beloved cat into the other vet the next day and got him IV fluids. He is still alive--just barely--but he would have DIED if I'd waited for North Kenilworth.
So I would not recommend them. I know I am in the minority. But be careful with your pets and your wallet here. And if you have an emergency, don't expect them to help you or your pets. Now I'm going to go shell out another $600 for another surgery for Squeakers. Le sigh. I think I should get a refund for her first surgery. Just ridiculous!