Dear God! Where to start? (sigh) I wish I could give this place negative stars.This is a school for genetically-inferior, low-IQ losers. I left UNLV after a couple of years. It became an intolerable learning environment. I have absolutely no respect for this school. My degree is now on hold until I can leave the state. I don't understand why this institution was even built in the first place. It's only here to put money in the state coffers. It's certainly not here to educate anyone. It's just a ghetto diploma-mill. The staff members are indigenous white-trash personnel. The faculty is lousy. Most of the students aren't capable of doing college level work and the classes are dumbed down to accommodate them. It's not that hard to maintain an "A" average either. Many of the science majors I've met are functionally illiterate. You would barely hire them to be maids or cabdrivers. This school is only contributing to the dwindling spiral of Las Vegas by handing out fraudulent diplomas. These are the kids that are going to be our future leaders. They will be assuming the supervisory, management and executive positions in this town and they do NOT have the aptitude for it. I sincerely believe that it would be better to shutter UNLV and put those resources into Clark County K-12 instead. In the meantime, the bright students could go out-of-state until the public school system is rebuilt. Then this town might be ready for a "real" university.