Second stop of Birthday night, and I was already feeling my 22 years creeping up on me and telling me my old butt needed to be in bed.
I didn't dance here, but the music was alright, and the live band wasn't too shabby either. No cover always makes me happy, but I expect to pay nothing less than a million dollars for a single drink that I didn't even taste the alcohol in or feel as the night went on. Interesting crowd mix here, I had a guy probably in his late 40's ask me if I wanted to dance with him. He didn't "look" like the type of guy that normally hit on me, so I shied away from his offer.
Once again, nice crowd, no fights or jealous glares which makes me all the more happy. Sad to say though, general tiredness had me leave at 12:30. I had had all that I could have had and was ready to kick off my 5 inch Jessica Simpson's and call it a night! Who knows, if I ever make it back out to WestGate I may have to stop by and see whats poppin' at Buffett's.