I went there because Findlay Honda next door recommended it for some work I needed done. I had never been there before. When I walked in, there was no one at the counter in the front. I turned to my left and saw a lady talking to a man behind the counter. So I walked down the hallway to ask a question on the steps I needed to take to get my work done, like parts, scheduling......... The lady I had seen was actually an employee - Stormy. She had such an attitude, and was rude and very dismissive with me for entering this area. She acted like I had entered a top secret military zone. I turned around and walked out and will never return.
If this is the face of Service King when someone first enters, you might want to rethink that. You definitely lost my business and who knows how many others, which eventually affects your bottom line.
Also if Findlay Honda happens to be reading this, I would suggest you recommend another place to your loyal customers, so you do not receive any backlash from poor experiences there.