| - And then, let's talk about the food.
Foie gras was overcooked; but they were kind enough to replace it with more appropriately seared Foie gras. Served with seared, split grapes, it was edible, but not delectable.
We also had Blinis, which were rather good. Cheese and grapes, Mushroom, and chicken were the insides of the three that came in a set.
The chicken Kiev was remarkably dense, though not terribly oily. Dry meat, however was not to my liking. The dipping sauce made some amends, but I'm not sure I like meat so dry.
We had a Russian ravioli, fried. Also dry, with a gravy dipping sauce.
I'm not a connoisseur of Russian cuisine, so it's really hard for me to come down decisively on this venue. For all I know, this is incredibly authentic food. If it is, it's not for me. I might go back for the Vodka room, but it will be a long time before I head in for Russian foodstuffs.
If you know of superior Russian food, please let me know, I'll go immediately.
On the other hand, in a conversation yesterday, a Russian acquaintance of mine related to me that the quintessential Russian "restaurant" equivalent really centers on the availability of alcohol, and a space to party.