I came to lenscrafters bc I was desperately in need of a new perscription before going to school and I was able to get an appointment with Dr. Michelle Chen, who definitely doesn't know wtf she's doing. She gave me a recommendation for contacts different from what I had been wearing for past 10 years and says she wears them herself. Within the first week, i realize the contacts she's recommended me is the worst pair of contacts I have ever worn and now I have a whole 6 month supply of them. About two months into wearing them, I had gotten a bad eye infection and continued getting them every couple of weeks even with proper sanitation and disposal of old contacts. I finally visit an opthalmologist and it turns out she's prescribed me the wrong size contacts and my eyes were irritated this entire time which explains all the dryness and eye infections. Do not come here for Dr. Chen, she doesn't know what she's doing.