What a lovely studio! I went here yesterday with Amanda B. for a free class (we had passes we had gotten from one of the teachers). We attended the ujjayi class (which was 1 hour 50 minutes... holy cow). The owner taught this class and it was very nice. It started like an ashtanga class, with 5 rounds of sun salutation a and 5 rounds of b, but then diverted. I learned a few new poses and was a adjusted a bit to do better with poses I have been working on, so that was nice. I liked that the teacher constantly counted and reminded the class of the breath, which made it easier to keep it going throughout the practice. They had live drums there, which was nice, but got to be a little droning after awhile (he played with the breath so it was the same beat the whole time.... it was a lot of the same beat). The studio itself is clean with wood floors and was generally nice. I would recommend checking this studio out if you live in the Scottsdale area!