| - I've been to museums all over the country, the Getty museum in LA, the metropolitan museum of art in NYC, and quite a few others but I've yet to find one that impresses me more than the Carnegie.
First, the Egyption exhibit is very expressive with the boat almost intact and the mummy exhibits that are encased.
The furniture exhibit from the Scaif collection is a beautiful collection of desks, chairs, clocks, and other antiques from the 18th and 19 centuries.
Of course you can't describe the Carnegie without mentioning one of the largest dinasaur exhibits in the world. Now, they've got the bones posed in battle, and in a natural setting with foliage from the different eras. To make it even better there are observation decks now to look down on the creatures from the second and third levels.
The building itself Is huge, with William shakespear greeting you at the grand staircase when you walk in forever carved in granite at the top of the stairs. Andrew Carnegie was a man with a lot of pride, and it was true that he wanted Pittsburgh to have the best museum in America.