The worst experience in my life, I have been in so many hospitals since I was 4 years old cause I have type 1 diabetes and I know for sure Phoenix children's hospital is the worst. What makes a place better or worse? Of course the staff so I know they are not gonna change anything cause the staff makes prejuideces and they forget that they are treating kids and first of all helpless little human beings. My baby fell and got a hematoma on his head and they took x- rays of his hole body to prove that I not abuse my son and 6 nurses went with him and didn't let me be with him and caused pain and when they let me in, they were giving him sucrose without asking me first and their argument was that it wasn't a treatment and that will helping him with the pain that they caused and I am not suppose to give him sugar until he is six months for my diabetes. They didn't letting me holding him and they started to ask each other if I could hold him and as soon as I hold him he stopped crying. They never got us the results until discharge us and when I asked for getting the x rays for my own records they said that they can give me some but not all off them so what are they hiding and what did they did to my son... I wish nobody has a terrible experience as I did. There is not gonna be a next time for my baby to be in a hospital because of me but if he needs to be in the hospital he won't put a foot in there for sure!!!! I hope I can get the x rays and be sure that they didn't abuse him in any way...