I graduated in 2007 I have never once mentioned my school as a LOOK AT ME kind of thing. They help you get a job if and only IF YOU TRY! Proving your worth is 100% of why you took classes. So if your washing dishes and the head chef says hey make me an omelet you can and maybe even become a line cook from that. This school doesn't make you THE BEST CHEF IN THE WORLD. YOU make you the best chef in the world. Tons of Chefs have been working in the industry for YEARS! and now you think that because of your achievement in learning the basics Makes you Better then them, YEAH they are going to laugh and throw it in your Face. I don't know who told you that if you read about it then you are the Master at doing it. I loved all my classes and Yes some of the Chefs were meaner then others but honestly if they saw you putting your heart into it they treated you decently. They are not there to babysit you and hold your hand. You are an Adult!