Huuuuu... I don't even know where to begin. Get your popcorn and soda ready folks because I'm going to thoroughly review the ish out of this place.
FIRST OF ALL: The service is HORRENDOUS! Now I've been to this location quite a few times and I was willing to put up with the subpar service but after the call I had with a manager and a no call back from customer service (I'll get to that later) I will collect my cash back gift card from my baby registry... Spend that money probably at another location and keep it moving to another baby store.
Every once in a while someone will come thru our aisle and ask if everything is okay but just about every visit included a trip to a salty cashier at check out. No greeting or smile. I'm surprised they ask if I have a rewards card. I get no salutations.
When I signed up for my registry months ago it was great. I had a really helpful person but fast forward to the 2nd trip and I had to wait For-ever to get a gun. I wasn't acknowledged when someone came through by the registry area (other than the 2 people helping the expectant mothers). Same with the subsequent trips. Now I didn't complain before because it was only lackluster performance and plus I had serious baby brain, on top of full time school, work, and being a wife...but cherry on the top was a few weeks after my baby was born and me needing to get a beast pump. Already stressed, recovering and dealing with raging hormones I called the store early in the morning to see about renting a breast pump. Female rep told me they had several available for $80/mo. I couldn't hold one which was fine. I told her my husband would be by after work to pick one up.
My husband calls me to tell me they don't have any available when he calls to make sure one is available and I ask why... He says he was just told they don't have any available. He also tells me the man he spoke to was short with him.
I call the store and pretty much get the same dude because his attitude was disgusting... Especially for a manager. I had to ask why there weren't any available when I was told there were some. He said they didn't get their cleaning supplies in yet. I ask when they will be available or if I can be notified. He says with a snippy attitude, no. I tell him I don't like his attitude and that I don't appreciate his tone and being short with me. He doesn't apologize only saying, "I don't mean to be short with you." I ask to speak to a manager (not knowing at the time that he was one) I ask to speak to another manager... "I'm the only one in the store" I ask to speak to a DM. "I can't give out that number." I end the call and my husband reminds me of Buy Buy Baby when I call him back.
I call BBB and not only was the person I spoke to nice and helpful but their breast pumps are $60/mo!!!! Winning!
My husband reports back on their friendliness when he goes to get it and that they made sure he was the husband that was coming to get one as they had a couple left and wanted to make sure the lady (me) that called got one.
I call Babies R Us Customer Service that same day about the situation and the lady told me someone would call me back to discuss and resolve the issues Ive had with this particular store. She said it would be around 5 business days. WEEKS LATER and I still haven't heard back from anyone. I'm not calling back. I refuse to. It's just horrible customer service all around. I wish someone from Babies R Us would challenge me and this review because I have a reference # from that call. I recorded the day, time, the person I spoke to. I gots my receipts...
Clearly they don't care about moms or people. So again...