Everything at Dutch Bros taste delicious, they are extremely polite and they like talking to people and this causes the lines to back up out into the street otherwise this service Dutch Bros is great but recently after The completion of the new Dutch Bros Dutch Bros Coffeehttps://maps.apple.com/?address=508%20N%20Estrella%20Pkwy,%20Goodyear,%20AZ%20%2085338,%20United%20States&auid=8391551671004227634&ll=33.452145,-112.392752&lsp=9902&q=Dutch%20Bros%20Coffee&_ext=ChkKBQgEEOIBCgQIBRADCgQIBhAICgQIChAAEiQpP4DudsK5QEAx9qBCezQZXMA5i0QpVv25QEBBbOmAMxEZXMA%3D&t=m they have been very busy and are more experienced and are better at making drinks