Have you ever been banned from a truck stop restroom? At first sight the place looked closed. After I had a closer look I realized there were just no customers. I thought great I can have the whole place to myself. After I walked in and saw every table was dirty and the old food in the floor I figured that was the reason i was the only customer. I hesitantly ordered a gyro plate even after I saw the visually repugnant warning photos of each plate scroll across the cheap and poorly mounted menu screen. When I finally received my gyro platter I will refer to as "The punisher" the meat was well done almost to the point of over cooked jerky. The portion on my plate was less than filling ( not that I needed a larger portion of "the punisher"). After I tearfully gnawed through the sandwich like I was eager to suffer, I looked around for a place to wash the sweat from my face and cool down with a bit of water. I was surprised when I realized there was no immediate access to a toilet room or a water closet. I gathered my things and rushed out the door to begin my search for a porcelain victim. I found a convenient store about 2 blocks away and not a moment to soon. As I waddled like a penguin with a bonobo size ass rash I almost didn't make it. As I made my way to the public restroom I was feeling the pressure of a quivering anus and violently seizing intestines I realized the latch on the stall door was missing. At this point in my suffering I was shameless. As I barely made it to the place of duty, the other poor patron look over nervously as he was rushing to leave this apparent crime scene. As I finished I washed up my hands and face and tried to look smooth as I opened the door to leave the scene. Immediately as I left the restroom, a small child walked in to and belted out " Daddy it smells like a dumpster in here". I'm not saying I was immediately noticed but I'm sure I have been banned from this location if they rewind the surveillance camera. Let me close with a kind word. It was better than my experience at La Mexican Restaurant in Mo. As you can read in my reviews.