| - If there is a job out there that involves walking around the Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens and just commenting on how nice everything is, get ready for my application. This place is nuts.
First, let me say that it's EXPENSIVE. $15 to get in the door. But, it was $15 well spent so the expensiveness didn't even stand out to me. I've blown a lot more on crappy movies that leave me unsatisfied.
We were in there for at least two hours, and there were so many things to experience here beyond the usual bo-garden experience of room after room of obnoxiously beautiful plant life. There were plants to smell, birds to touch and let walk on you, children's gardens to play in, living butterfly exhibits to feel like a child again in. Hanging out here, I really had FUN. Even just looking, there was so much--bonsais, edible plants, cacti, a French garden, etc.
The gift shop is also nice and affordable. Creative, unique stuff.
Free parking in a certain part of the lot is available for patrons, which is just plain kind.