This two-story REI has a good mix of hiking, camping, and outdoor gear along with clothing. I'm getting ready for a trek up Mt. Kilimanjaro so if I end up in a city with an REI I have to stop in.
My goal was to test out sleeping pads on this trip and I found the area to be pretty well organized with lots of pads unrolled, inflated, and ready for demonstration. There is even a raised platform to test out the pads so you aren't crawling around on the floor. I was browsing the selection and within a few minutes a helpful and friendly REI staff member was over to assist with my selection. He gave me options and recommendations, including his own personal favorites and limitations for each option.
I had to jet back to Florida right after my visit so I didn't spend much time in the closing section, but from what I saw it was well organized by gender and size so you could find what you needed.