Apria use to be in the business of patients and caring for them. That was a couple of years ago.
Now you can't talk to anyone unless you call 5 different numbers; and leave a message hoping someone will call you back. They don't. Ihave two insurances and they sent me to collections. No one told me they were having a problem. I got a call from some number in Ohio and just happen to answer because the number had called everyday for almost a week. When I answered i was threatened with hurting my credit if I didn't pay up. I didn't know I owed anything. These people sound like loan sharks not people who take care of vulnerable patients. Luckily I am feeling better so I spent the next 2 hours trying to get ahole of someone who had a voice.
Think about other patients who have good credit and the threats they have made to them. I get it Obamacare doesn't pay like insurances use to. I've adjusted I would think a healthcare business would as well. Veterans not being helped and they fought for our country is dispicable too. I told them to get their equipment and i was done.
They pray on the vulnerable at the Veterans Administration and Apria. Horrible to do that to Vets and the most vulnerable. They should be ashamed!