Just came from this location. The rudest experience I've ever had at chipotle.
I start my order with employee 1, bowl to go, white rice and no beans and tell her what meat. She steps away to the back restaurant area. Employee 2 walks over with a 1:15 to go order slip and grabs my bowl. She then takes it and puts carnitas in it. I look as she grabs 3 more bowls and proceeds to fill the other bowls according to the to go order slip. PRETTY CONVENIENT MY ORDER FILLED THE TO GO ORDER HUH? She literally took my bowl to fulfill the to go order...... Meanwhile I'm ignored as she finishes the to go order and then asks me what I want. Then I start over again. Employee 3 at the salsa area then assumed my order was all 4 bowls and I told her no, that's mine there as I pointed to my bowl behind the 4. Then she proceeded to finish the to go order while I still just stand there in shock that she couldn't put two toppings on mine and bypass the to go order so I could leave.
How on earth is this even happening?? Does the to go order have priority over everyone else in line? Absolutely unbelievable that no one apologized or explained what was happening. They just acted as if this is how they're trained.
Cliff notes: takes my order to fulfill the 1:15 to go slip, acts as if nothing is out of the ordinary, I wait behind the 4 bowls to go, no apologies, I still paid $7 for a cold bowl.