I did the get in quick or whatever. A nice woman called me ask about symptoms and instructed me to go at set time. I did and told lady at desk and told me it didn't matter. Ok so why have the service I would have just gone in at first thought. I'll say most nurses were nice. I do not like at all you get in a room then kicked out to sit in lounge. I was in extreme pain and made to sit in the lobby. After all my tests I was given 4 perscribtions and not much explanation. I asked the dr about eating bc it is what sent me to extreme pain, he said no problems just come back if needed. I had to go home with my labs and Google them bc I couldn't get an answer or the time. I get the ER is make sure your not dying then follow up but being a Friday afternoon I'd think a couple answers would be nice. If needed again I'll drive farther bc I was not happy with whole experience. My discharge nurse gave me a number of a dr to call Monday and ensured me he was great and to try to stick it out so I can get answers I deserve. She knew I didn't get them, bad sign.