| - At first they were amazing, 2 days later when pen button literally fell off of e-pen seriously with out a trace, things changed. When I say fell off I mean gone, just a hole revealing the neat inner-mechanics of e-pen. Now I didn't have pen in pocket at gym, or any other motionfull activity, just normal walking, paying bills, shopping. Nothing which someone could make a claim as if friction inside my pocket creating a mystical "button" devouring matter, only to dissolve once all "button" material is vanquished. So naturally I take item and receipt bank to "established business" which it was sold from, Only wanting a working e-cig as I paid for just 2 days prior. Immediately the "nice" gentleman said "what did you do" and I quickly explained. Now here's where it turns. His response was... "hey I'm just like you. Only you buy one and I buy 20 at a time. I'm not like Wal-Mart, we are both 'out' money here." I had to leave immediately so I didn't get too angry, but before leaving, I said are you serious? Buttons dont just fall off after only 2 days of use unless severe abuse or faulty in the first place. I can tell ya, my e-cig keeps me off tobacco which has caused several losses in my family so "abuse" for a 'crutch' I enjoy to stay off the 'crutch that kills', if ya catch my drift, is completely absurd. I left my receipt there when I departed by mistake. So I call, maybe 15 min later, to kindly see that he shreds it as some CC info was on it. I tell him of my intentions of not only this review, but to the flyers being made as soon as review is done. Now he says, "no, come back. I want to help you. I do good business". To that I say no thank you. You try once to rip me off for a mere $30 e-pen stating "we both lost money" and its my fault for having pen in pocket (I'm a guy, where else would I carry device (not to mention the pens in past have always, always, been placed in pockets with never any miraculous "button" devouring" results! )). Nobody wants to be taken advantage of 'J Smoke shop' not once, not never!! And yes I am a man of my word and I will make flyers for the shopping center all around so nobody else will have to worry (hopefully) about the poor business practice you have just done for yourself. You have one thing correct 'J smoke shop' in the defensive statements you made towards me in your store, you are NOT like Wal-Mart! The Wal-Mart corporation does not need to nickel an dime every customer entering their establishment to keep the lights on, and its pretty apparent you do. SHAME SHAME SHAME!