What a Disaster. After waiting in line for almost 2 Hours I was told that the food would be taken up in 20 minutes. It would have been professional had they told everyone in line earlier, however it's obvious management is clueless. So - No Problem I thought, I would just grab twice as much Food as I could possibly wanted and they could throw away what I did not eat. Well SURPRISE ! when being Seated I was told that not only did I have only 20 Minutes to get my food, but in 50 Minutes I'd be asked to leave the Buffet. At one time The Palms was one of the better places to Gamble and Eat. Then they tightened the Slots to the point very few Locals still went there, Then they changed the Management at the Buffet and Downgraded everything, and Now this Nightmare. I read that they are For Sale. It's Blatantly Obvious Why !