| - Similarly to what another poster said... I really liked the energy of the employees and shop, but I will not be returning for a reading.
CC, the owner and reader, opened with a weird prayer thanking God for allowing her to be an open channel for divine knowledge when so many people are suffering and in pain. That immediately felt strange, as there was an apparent need for her to distinguish herself from others as special.
What really bothered me was the negative, dissuading attitude that she had toward my goals and circumstances. She made some assumptions about my lifestyle based on my age and occupation that were inaccurate, and several other things she divined were off. When corrected, she became defensive. I did not feel that she had an accurate read of my energy, but rather advised me with vague platitudes. She warned that she tells it like it is, not the way customers want it to be, or something to that effect. Which is perfectly reasonable, except that she made several inaccurate statements and societally programmed judgments about sensitive topics, some of which were tactlessly stated with no compassion. Her advice was not empowering, accurate or coming from an elevated spiritual perspective. I left feeling more discouraged and confused than I did when I entered.
I sat on it for a few days, and realized that I had paid someone $70 to tell me that I can't do what I want to do. Which is a likely outcome, if I continue to give my power away like that :)
A good energetic reader (besides being at least mostly accurate) will leave the querent feeling empowered and prepared for what's to come - and this is not the same as sugar-coating and avoiding painful truths. There is no bad news, only bad deliveries. While I think she is genuinely well-intentioned, I can see that she has an unbalanced ego and is stuck on the paradigm of good/bad without elevating her knowledge to understand that beyond that there is only love, and that Source energy flows within all of us, not just a chosen few.
Just my two cents... not knocking any positive experiences, as they are clearly the majority!