First off. I am by no means a Veg head, i dont eat rabbit food nor to a frequent farmers markets. You will see me at a butcher shop drooling over the counter waaaaay before you see me comparing heads of organic lettuce at the market.
Not that that is out of the way.
WOW.... WOOOOOOW.... WOW. Came here with a Veggie friend of mine that wanted to grab lunch the server told me about the Fire & Brimstone Burger. Without getting into the details and boring you with the love hate battle that my brain and mouth was putting me through... This was hands down the best sandwich I have had in Charlotte. $10 for the sandwich followed up with a very odd and interesting smoothie. Completely worth it. I find myself calling on my way to work to pick up a sandwich on my way in. I cant tell you about anything else on the menu cause I haven't gotten sick of this yet. I was told by my friend that i completely blocked out of my head while i sat there dumbfounded that their Lunasagna was outstanding. One day i will try something else. As long as they give me that hot sauce that comes on that sandwich ill probably eat a raw brussel sprout.