I just went to Lai Wah Heen yesterday. I gotta say that if you are only looking for atmosphere and decent quality food, then this restaurant is for you. If you are looking for highest qualities and highest quantities, then avoid this place . This is one of the high end restaurant. So don't be cheap and bring only $ 5 to $10 and expect you will get the best of it. The price is ridiculous high on the menu and almost all the food cost 2 to 3 times more than other restaurants. A mapo tofu dish cost 18.99!!! Where most restaurants cost less than $10. I can't really say that it's the worst place because i knew it was going to be expensive. I was going to give 3 stars because of free wifi. And I didn't expect to get free wifi but they were nice about it. But i gave 2 stars because i end up paying $2.50 for the tea which i didn't even drink it.