| - Smashing sammich shop in Christie Pits. I strolled in around lunchtime on a Friday to find the place packed with gritty locals eagerly awaiting their eats. The entire restaurant isn't bigger than the inside of a moving van, and you probably couldn't seat more than a dozen people without a fight breaking out. The decor is simply put: orange and blue. There is a picture of the Azurri on the wall and the obligatory TV blaring CP24.
Being a first-timer, I heeded Kent P's sage sangwich advice and scored the veal panini. Oh, man. The sauce, the crispy and moist breaded veal, the soft delicious bread, it all spelled perfection. Though I easily could have saved half for later, I stuffed that entire sombitch down, it was just that good. You veal a good panini, Vinny. Kudos.
Obligatory Title Pun: It's veally amazing OR: the Vinner takes it all!
Menu Readability: Written on chalkboards above the counter.
Need to mention: The sammies can take up to 20 minutes, but we were sufficiently warned.
What this place teaches me about myself: I will wait 20 minutes for a sandwich, provided it is forged by Gods on Earth.