I'm a single mother and brought my small son in to World of Baseball to see if someone could help him, as I had no clue how to teach him to hit a ball. The guys who work there were so excited about a little guy wanting to play and took us straight away into a hitting room to hit off of a tee.
We came in a few days a week for about half an hour and practiced hitting on the tee but he was getting a bit bored. The instructor noticed his lack of excitement at the tee and changed up the teaching.
By the end of the second week my little son was in the batting cage (of course, the slowest one) hitting balls! He wasn't scared, he wasn't nervous, he wasn't upset when he missed! The guys made sure the pitching machine was set perfectly for his size and everyone was super excited for him when he hit one, then two, three, four, five and six balls! I couldn't believe it!
The older kids in there training are very kind to my son and I, they are super encouraging and excited to see such a little boy in with them doing "big boy" things. We're going to be there every week forever! My son LOOOOVES it and said he wants to "wiv [live] at the baseball school.