I LOVE BLACKER ORTHODONTICS!! I had previously had braces on about 7yrs ago & their treatment was horrible. When I was referred to Dr. Blacker it was a completely different experience. I was terrified because Of my last experience at another orthodontists office so I was fearful of how this experience would go. However, my experience at Blacker Orthodontics has been AMAZING & Life changing!! From the first time I stepped into their office they eased my fears, explained the process for treatment & now I am over a year into my treatment plan & I have seen so many changes. LeighAnne is wonderful to work with!!! Everyone in the office is super friendly & they all know each patient by name. Dr. Blacker himself is AMAZING & such a blessing!! He takes time to listen to your concerns and explains everything at every appointment. I am EXTREMELY pleased with my results so far & I am so excited to see the end result! I am getting married next fall & thanks to the Blacker Orthodontics team I will be able to smile confidently. I highly recommend them to anyone who is seeking orthodontics treatment. You will not be disappointed!!