It was awesome for a year but as soon we signed a new lease and got a new neighbor as well as a new maintenance "manager" it went to crap fast. Ive been harassed at the pool by "management" (maintenance guy in his pajamas) My new neighbors with there kids running up and down the stairs waking up my 18 month old son from his nap slamming doors. Maintenance also like to use a gas powered blower at 7 in the morning. Parking is impossible if you dont get a garage. Im tired of this place and will be looking into breaking the lease legally. My wife and I have been good tenants and dont deserve to be treated like this.(*update* they let us break the lease legally because I refused to put myself on a lease with these nazis. But of coarse they kept our 500 dollar deposit and asked for 100 more. Ridiculous if you ask me but I'm just glad to be out of there. Like I said it was sweet in the beginning but tired sour quick.)