My girlfriends & I had booked a suite for 8 girls. The suite was huge & accommodated all of us nicely! 2 slept on the L shaped couch, 3 slept in the King size bed, 2 slept in an air mattress, & 1 slept in an air mattress, & we all had a pillow & a blanket. There were 2 bathrooms with a shower & a jacuzzi style tub. There were plenty of mirrors which was a plus for us girls.
-Wifi is only available for 2 people at a time & if there were any other devices that logged on, it would be an extra $10 (not sure if it is per device or per day). This was a nuisance because my girlfriend was charged $30 for 3 days & when she asked what times there were 2+ devices, the worker stated all day for 2 days & at 1046a the day we checked out. This was so frustrating because I was the last one in the room & checked out before 1046a & if I was there & used the Wifi at 1046a, there was no one else in the room that could have been using the Wifi with me for there to have been 2+ devices because I was alone. Thankfully, she was able to dispute the last charge but we do not know if TI was lying to her to make her pay extra or if there really were 2+ devices.
-Reception was a nightmare & that says a lot for me because I have Verizon.
-The lighting was horrible! It was incredibly dim & for girls trying to do their make up, it was terrible!
-On our second day, one of the girls had called for 8 towels but room service said they could only bring 4 at a time & that we had to call back another time for the other 4. Why not just save a trip & bring the 8 altogether? They already knew there were 8 girls in the room.