Abandon all palatable hope ye who drive-thru here.
Why am I troubling myself to write a review for Jack in the Box. TACOS baby! It's all about the Tacos. Jack is my fast food taco emporium. Hallelujah!
But this location gets it consistently wrong in a variety of ways. They've botched it for years. And I've had all I can stands, and I can't stands no more!"
Ode to a perfect Jack in the Box taco:
The perfect Jack in the Box taco has been deep-fried once, and once only.
The perfect Jack in the Box taco is order with and HAS extra lettuce.
The perfect Jack in the Box taco has one full taco sauce package distributed throughout its scrumptious innards.
The Baseline & Greenfield location has low taco game. You can expect your taco to have been deep-fried twice because they precooked too many and didn't sell them. And you arrived at the drivethru 15 minutes later. So you get the extra oily tasting double-dipped "warmed up" taco.
The other variant of the precooked situation is that your tacos come to you dead cold. Grrrr.
Extra lettuce? Fuggedaboutit! They seem to take some sort of unclean joy in being extra stingy when you ask for extra lettuce. I actually tested this. My son went through the drive-thru before me for 2 tacos. I went through immediately after him and requested "extra lettuce please, feel free to charge me for the extra lettuce if you need to... thank you." My tacos had less lettuce than my son's. For a full test we came back a week later and reversed roles... my son's tacos, requested with extra lettuce, had less lettuce than mine. .... Mean. Spiteful. Annoying!
So, here's the deal. Something is amiss at this location. And it's amiss in an institutionalize sort of way that has spanned years. DON'T GO HERE.
Best alternate location in order of preference are:
Southern and Val Vista, Northeast corner - This loc will do you right any time of day.
Warner and Val Vista, Southwest corner - Consistent over the years as well.