Expensive and small. Inside is a place you can build your own legos- same as a regular lego store and you can go there for free. The only difference is that it has a place to use to race your own built car and a cafe and/or parents lounge. Cafe only has sandwiches though.
Liked the two rides. One is an up and down merlins ride and a ride like the buzz light year one in disneyland. Wished there could have been more though as the ride takes less than 2 min.
There is a play pen where they can climb and build gigantic legos but you need socks to enter. They also have to be at a certain height as adults are not allowed to enter.
The 3d lego movie....you get wet and gushes of wind a lot....
Then again, if you love lego and has kids less than 8, the annual pass would be better if you plan to go here a lot.65 for he whole year versus 22 for a single day....