I love this gym! This one! The day care is the best you'll find out of all of them! I am a difficult parent and my baby girl is like her mama. I got very bad anxiety after she was born and wouldn't leave her with anyone! The girls here went above and beyond to help me feel comfortable. They were sometimes the only adult conversation for days. It was just me and my little one and with her being a very fussy baby that never slept. They would take the time just to talk to me and helped me threw this very difficult time. Now my daughter is the one with separation anxiety and it's awful to leave her all over again... recently I've had to go to closer gym to my work... I hate it ... those other gyms don't even pretend to care about me or baby! So the girls at this gym are busy doing their job but they always take time to make me feel less crazy! I honestly do think I wouldnt of gotten over my anxiety without them!! I was close to needed meds lol but thanks to them I got better... still a crazy mama though and they deal with me and make me feel so happy to leave my baby there... and I know soon they will help my baby feel better too! Go to this gym for your kids sake.
You guys really make a big difference in my life
Christina N Aguirre & Sunny RR Aguirre