Some majorly fresh pho!
A classy, clean interior and super crisp veg to accompany the phlavourful pho make this one of my phavourite viet spots around pho sho!
In my humble and very opinionated opinion there are three things that make an epic salad roll. 1 - phreshness. The outside isn't dry and tough. 2- the ratio. There's only 3 shrimp, it's a given, so the noodle to shredded lettuce needs to be bang on. 3- phreshness again but this time for the shrimp! Crisp, clean and no phishy taste is the way to go! They nailed it.
Holy Pho! Aside from there being enough of it to pheed a whole phamily, it was totally delicious. Maybe gettin a little high up there on the sodium scale, but really really tasty and enough of it to knock me into a full on phoma.
Heck yes they've got tasty sprouts! I just realized how visibly excited I about phresh plump bean sprouts... Don't judge me. They're wonderful. When you bend them they snap because they're so phresh.