| - I work at this store and I've worked at a few other H&M's. This is not the best store nor is it the worst.
I agree, a lot of complaints are valid, but there are two sides to every story. Many of the people that are on the sales floor are new, there are a few people that make up the basic foundation but other than that we have a constant procession of new people coming and going. Many of them don't stay long enough to learn everything to help, you, the customer.
As for the people that say we give you all attitude, I personally go out of my way to help many customers, but when I gave garments thrown at me, myself or my coworkers are called crude names, or I'm just generally belittled by you then I'm probably not going to be 100% peachy. Neither are my peers. No one working there or shopping there wants to be treated with disrespect but that's what we get time after time, so I apologize if myself or anyone that I work with has ever been anything but rainbows and sunshine.
To Terri A from Glendale, do you feel better being rude to someone over the internet because they were doing their job? The whole credit fiasco, that was how she had to do the transaction or she could possibly face corrective action. The other store put us in an odd position by setting up deals that we either could not honor or had to have manager permission to do (and not all managers approve/allow the same things). So we look like jerks while they look like saints.
Thankfully we have some wonderful customers that we truly do appreciate. Everyone that doesn't fling clothes at our faces, asks us for a size so they don't tear through piles we've just folded, or just in general is a nice, fun person to talk to: thank you. You really do make our job a lot easier.
One more topic I wanted to cover before I end this. Most of us are college students trying to make ends meet. We're there so we can attempt to pay for school and some place to live. Very few of us are there "for the discount". If anyone ever truly does have a question or a concern ask us before you get upset, almost every single person that is there now (that hasn't gone to the new store) is a great person that will try to help you the best that they can. That way we can help each other and both have a good day or night.