It's true when people say you can get anything at Party City. I used to work at the one on Pineville Matthews Rd for about 2 months during Halloween season. I actually loved working there and it was fun.
I went into this location earlier this week to look at their wedding aisle. I'm getting married next year on September 4th, and we don't want to spend thousands of dollars for just something that's celebrated 1 day.
WalMart has a wedding aisle, and their stuff is pretty cheap. But what do you expect, it's WalMart. Party City had a few items that I recognized from WalMart, but they have such a HUGE variety. Most of it isn't too cheap either in quality. I would be perfectly happy buying all of our dinnerware from here for our wedding. They also have a huge selection of everything imaginable. It is Party City after all! You will not be disappointed, but do bring $100 or more if you can.